Ongoing Research Projects
ICSSR Funded Projects
1. Project Title: Enhancing Socio-Economic Well-Being of E-Waste Collectors through Targeted Interventions: A Study on Pune, Maharashtra
With the increasing usage of Electrical & Electronic Equipment (EEE), e-waste management has become a burning issue. The past literature focuses on the hazardous impact that the electronic waste has on the environment and the methods that have been utilized for effective waste management. The socio-economic impact of the waste collection and influence of non- scientific manner of metal extraction on the lives of the e-waste collectors
and dismantlers is relatively understudied.
The e-waste collectors face detrimental health issues because of the non-scientific way in which they extract metals from the electronic waste. Therefore, through this study, an attempt will be made to assess it’s socio- economic impact and the physical health status of e-waste collectors. Further, metal extraction training will be provided to the waste collectors and Randomized Controlled Trails (RCTs) method will be utilized to assess the impact of this intervention.
To apply and for more information Click Here
2. Project Title: Design and Evaluate the Viability of Game and Activity Based Learning in Sanskrit Curriculum
Sanskrit education in India encompasses a variety of pedagogical methods, ranging from traditional mnemonic techniques to modern and advanced approaches designed to make the language accessible and engaging. Among these, activity-based learning, particularly the experiential "learning-by-doing" method, has proven to be highly effective for young learners. Despite numerous technological advancements in Sanskrit education, our initial research indicates that there is room for further creative pedagogical innovations and curriculum reforms.
The project aims to distinguish between the mere use of technology and the necessity to make it relevant and contemporary. In alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, a modern approach to teaching Sanskrit can stimulate interest and attract a new generation of learners. One such innovative method is "Devabhāṣā," a Sanskrit card game that employs a unique approach to language learning.
It focuses on investigating various activity-based learning methods and testing gamification strategies to develop a gamified, application-based pedagogy for Sanskrit. Project seeks to undertake collaborative research to explore the use and effectiveness of gamification in Sanskrit teaching and learning across different educational levels.
To apply and for more information Click Here
Project Grants for Advanced Research Centre (ARC) for Ecology and Conservation
(Collaborative Facility between Fergusson College and DES Pune University)
Sr.No | Project Funding Authority | Project Title |
1 | MMRDA (Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development) for Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL) Project | Monitoring of adjacent mudflats area and water quality around Mumbai Trans-Harbour Link, Mumbai by ARC |
2 | MSRDC (Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation) for Versova Bandra Sea Link (VBSL) Project | Monitoring of Marine Biodiversity around the proposed construction site of Versova Bandra Sea Link Road, Mumbai |
1. MMRDA Project
The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL) is a vital infrastructure project, connecting Southern Mumbai (at Sewri) with Southern Navi Mumbai (at Nhava Sheva) via a bridge. This bridge traverses intertidal zones at both Nhava and Sewri, potentially posing environmental challenges, particularly concerning the adjacent mudflat areas and water quality.
These mudflats, exposed during low tide at Nhava and Sewri, attract thousands of migratory shorebirds from the Central Asian Flyway (CAF) annually. They provide essential nutrition for over 54 species of migratory shorebirds, playing a crucial role in their life cycles. Disruption to this unique and complex ecosystem could pose a significant threat to these globally declining bird populations.
To ensure sustainable development of this critical infrastructure while minimizing ecological impacts, the ARC is conducting comprehensive assessments. This includes examining sediment properties across mudflats and near the bridge pillars to understand sedimentation patterns, monitoring spatio-temporal changes in sedimentation during and after construction, and performing periodic water quality analysis using standard parameters like DO, TDS, turbidity, pH, salinity, and conductivity. Additionally, the ARC is documenting avifaunal and benthic communities and monitoring changes over time. Based on these findings, the ARC will recommend necessary mitigation measures.
The project spans five years, in which the ARC team will conduct regular monitoring. The MMRDA is supporting the ARC with funding for both the monitoring project and infrastructural development, as part of the environmental clearance conditions. An overall grant of Rs 5.5 crore has been sanctioned by the MMRDA for the project and developing state-of-the-art laboratories at the ARC facility.
2. MSRDC Project
The Versova Bandra Sea Link Project (VBSL) involves constructing a sea link bridge along Mumbai's West coast, stretching from Bandra at the southern Bandra-Worli Sea Link (BWSL) to Versova at Nana Nani Park in the north. This sea link spans 9.6 km and features four dispersal points: Bandra Connector, Carter Road Connector, Juhu Koliwada Connector, and Nana Nani Park Connector.
In this project, The ARC will conduct seasonal monitoring of marine mammals, fish diversity, avian fauna, marine algae and plants, and other marine biodiversity in the project area. The project will span five years, culminating in the development of a conservation action plan by the ARC team. For this project, an overall grant of Rs 5.43 crore, covering both the biodiversity monitoring project and infrastructural development has been sanctioned by MSRDC.
3. Marine and Mangrove Conservation Plan for New Mangalore Port
New Mangalore Port Trust, situated in Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, is undertaking a major expansion project. New Mangalore Port is India's seventh-largest port and the sole major port serving the state. The port, which covers an extensive area of 480 hectares along the western coast, is currently undergoing expansion. To ensure the long-term sustainability of the port and its surrounding marine and mangrove ecosystems, a comprehensive conservation plan needs to be implemented. This plan will focus on safeguarding the diverse biodiversity within a 10-kilometer radius of the project site.
Advanced Research Center (ARC) for Ecology and Conservation (a collaborative unit of Fergusson College and DES Pune University) at DES Pune University will conduct comprehensive surveys of mangrove vegetation, intertidal ecosystems, and marine biodiversity within the project site for 1 year and develop marine and mangrove conservation plan. By identifying key biodiversity areas, this robust conservation plan will aim at safeguarding the delicate marine and mangrove ecosystems surrounding the port. For this project, an overall grant of Rs 24.81 lakhs has been sanctioned by NMP Authority, Mangalore.
To apply and for more information Click Here
4. Project Title :Staircase Climbing Wheelchair Driven By Conjugate Shaped Wheels.
Name of Faculty: Mayuresh A. Kulkarni
Designation: Teaching Associate
School: School of Engineering and Technology
Department: Dept. of Computer Engineering and Technology
Information of the activity:
Type: Prototype making of the startup idea. Funds received of 8.5 Lakhs rupees. (Faculty Startup)
Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
Registered center: Savli Business Incubation Center, Vadodara, Gujarat.
Amount granted: 8.5 Lakhs rupees
Project Period: January 2024 to December 2024